Thursday, March 10, 2016

100WC Week #10

Pot Luck

"This food looks scrumptious." A tall man said shoveling a spoonful of Firfir into his mouth.
"Yes, Firfir Is my favourite Ethiopian dish." A middle aged man beamed. They go and join another man to devour a plate of ethnic food. The three men chatter about their counties and the delicious variety of food there was.
"I'm so glad we got to do a pot luck in our community, it really brings all backgrounds together to share their foods." The third man said finishing the last bit on his plate. The middle aged man chuckles, 
"Yes, food really does unite people!" 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

100 Word Challenge Week #9

Not Until Your Ready

"Help, I can't get down!" Sheldon whimpered. Just then a blurry figure zoomed by and hurdled up the playground.
"I'm here to help." Fly Guy exclaimed. He picked up Sheldon and flew off the playground.
"Thanks Fly Guy!" Sheldon said grinning. Fly Guy bent down and said,
"Next time don't go on the big kid slide, at least not until your ready."
"I won't, I'll wait until I'm older." Sheldon nodded. Fly Guy smiled and said good-bye.
"One more thing," Sheldon smirked, "say hi to Super Man if you can."
"Definitely." Fly Guy said soaring off into the blue sky.